Sunday, June 30, 2013

Father's Day gift for Poppy

It seems that it's always easy to come up with gifts for the Grandmas, no matter wha the occasion. Poppy, on the other hand, is a totally different story. As you know, I am a Pinterst addict! I did some research before Father's Day, hoping to find something that was just so amazing that I had to make it! I was determined to make something for Poppy this year, no matter what. I found some cute ideas, told hubby that he was going to help me make the gift this year as *I* made all of the Mother's Day gifts, including my own. I found a simple idea - a cute little frame to put a photo in for Poppy to hang up in his office. (he is BIG into electronics from stereo equipment to old TVs and computers) Hubby took this even further, taking 3 hours to complete this project! He took out the circuit board of an old DirectTV receiver and cut - cutting it down to size and then cutting out the center hole for the photo. We were so pleased with how it turned out but DANG! I'm glad he was the one on the porch, in the heat with a saw and drill! This gift is really appropriate and so cute! Yes, we left the components on the frame so that you can tell it is a real piece of equipment. I do NOT recommend this project but think it is really great! I made a simple sign, using a crayon and a plain piece of paper, clipped on a clipboard and took an Instagram photo of Ryann.

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