Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine Gifts, by Ryann

It's so easy to have gifts for the Grandparents when you have a 2 year old with sweet little hands and one who likes to do crafts! We had our first adventure with finger painting, which went very well. She was ok with getting her hands dirty but did prefer to use a foam paint brush, as she could get more paint on there at once. She did a great job, had lots of patience and completed 4 masterpieces (one for Granny & Poppy, One for Daddy and one for Momma, which will ultimately end up in her scrapbook). The card was an idea that I got from?! Pinterest. You guessed it! ( Inside the heart, it says "You've left a handprint on my heart". I used a K&Co. blank card (4x6), traced her hand onto the outside of the card, used a paint brush to apply the glue (even though the instructions say to put the kids hand into the glue - I figured that would be a crazy mess), sprinkled it with red glitter and then used super glue (was hard to get anything else to stick!) to attach the cute accordion piece to the palm of the hand. To mail these cards, I paper clipped the accordion together so that it didn't tear as it was coming out of the envelope. The final gift is another print out like the one I used one of our tea party crafts. This one is an adorable owl, my personal fave. We used purple finger paint, per Ryann's request and used her hand prints for the wings. Added the words "Owl love you forever" and viola! Super easy, Ryann had fun and because they were made my our adorable princess, they will gifts that all of the grandparents will treasure!

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